Spaghetti with Fried Eggs
Who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner? This recipe combines breakfast and dinner all in one bowl, and if you love fried eggs, you will go crazy over this pasta!
Growing up, I always loved fried eggs for breakfast with a piece of toast. It was such a quick and simple breakfast to eat before going off to school. My Mom always made my brother and I hot breakfasts throughout all of our years going to school right up until the day we graduated high school! Her breakfasts always gave me something to look forward to before a long day of school. When she would make us fried eggs, I can always remember her telling me that when she was growing up they called them dippy eggs because you’re supposed to dip your toast in the runny yolk.
Making this pasta always brings up some memories of early mornings trying to make it out the door for school. Getting back to recipe and how we have incorporate a breakfast favorite into a pasta dish, this one is super simple. Start by pouring olive oil in a skillet and adding two cloves of garlic. Once the garlic is lightly browned, remove it from the skillet and fry up your eggs until they are almost set but the yolk is still runny. Meanwhile cook your pasta then drain it, saving some of the pasta water. Toss the pasta in the eggs, but save one egg to place on top of the finished dish. As you toss the pasta the eggs will finish cooking. Then add pasta water if necessary and fresh grated parmesan cheese.
What do you like to eat when having breakfast for dinner? Let us know if you have any favorite recipes combining both dinner and breakfast!
a. Ingredients:
½ pound of thin spaghetti
1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil
2 large garlic cloves; sliced
5 eggs
Fresh ground pepper
Fresh grated parmesan
b. Directions:
Combine the garlic and 1/3 cup of olive oil in a skillet until garlic is lightly browned; remove garlic
Fry the eggs in the oil until almost set but the yolk is still runny
Meanwhile cook the pasta according to package directions; drain saving some of the pasta water
Toss the pasta with 4 of the eggs and oil saving one egg to top off the dish, breaking up the eggs as you do so; the eggs will finish cooking with the pasta heat
Add pasta water if needed and the cheese; serve